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This league is the Durant Girls Softball League. The intention of this league is to teach girls the fundamentals of Softball. The league is based on ASA rules, but the league has modified and changed many of the ASA rules, especially in the younger age groups. Everyone involved wants to win, however teaching the girls, setting good examples for them and learning to work hard in a team environment while striving to better themselves is most important. Please understand, there are no college scholarships available from this league. The commissioner will determine the operations of the league and be the final interpretation on the rules. Rules below:

Age Groups:  The league will play fastpitch softball in the following age groups:

6 & under (6U)  -  8 & under (8U)  -  10 & under (10U)  -  12 & under (12U)  -  14 & under (14U)

A player’s age is determined as of December 31 of the year prior to the season.                        

Example:  Age group for 2016 playing season will be the player’s age on December 31, 2015.  Note:  A player can elect to play in an older age group, but not younger.

General Playing Rules for Durant Girls Softball League:
  1. All players present at the game must bat and play at least 1 inning in the field. Batting order will include all players present, all age groups. No pinch hitting, EP’s, or Flex’s.

  2. All players will play defense in 6U consisting of 5 infielders (no catcher) and everyone else in the OF, 10 players will play defense in 8U and 10U consisting of 6 infielders and 4 outfielders, 9 players will play defense in 12U & 14U consisting of 6 infielders and 3 outfielders. In 6U the outfielders must play behind the base lines. In 8U & 10U the 4 outfielders must be on the outfield grass when the ball is pitched (no sneaking extra infielders in).

  3. In all age groups (except 6U), if a team has 8 players, the game will be played and an out will be recorded on the missing players batting spot. There is no penalty for only playing 8 on defense, the out occurs when the 9th batter spot comes up while hitting. If a team has 7 players, the game is a forfeit, but if the coaches can work it out (loan players), please let the girls play anyway. Officially it is a loss to the team with fewer than 8, but the field is open and the girls paid to play in the league.

  4. There is a FREE substitution policy. No regulations regarding subs. Players can leave and enter the game at the coach’s discretion (this includes the pitcher); however the batting order will not change. This applies in all age groups, cannot be used as a stall tactic.

  5. A Team must wear the same uniforms (jersey or shirt) with numbers on the back.

  6. Home team will be determined by coin toss before the game. Home team will keep the official scorebook. Visiting team will run the scoreboard.

  7. No infield will be taken on the field prior to the start of a game.

  8. All batting helmet’s must have a face guard and chin strap properly attached.

  9. All players must wear a batting helmet when outside the dugout. 1 warning will be given, a second offense is an out called.

  10. Catchers must wear proper catching equipment that fits them.

  11. Bunting is allowed in all age groups except 6U.

  12. Time limits are 50 minutes for 6U, 55 minutes for 8U & 10U, 75 minutes for 12U & 14U.

    1. If there is less than 5 minutes on the game clock, now new inning will be started.

    2. Games can end in a tie

  13. Games are played as drop-dead when time is up if one team is far enough ahead where a comeback is impossible due to run limits. Inning will be completed if the game is in doubt. When the 3rd out against the home team is recorded, a new inning begins. If there are 20 seconds on the clock when it happens, the next inning will be played. If the game is tied, one extra inning will be played, if it is still tied, the game will be ruled a tie in league standings. 6U is a strict 50 minute time limit, no final score in 6U.

  14. Chatter is allowed, but no chatter which is directed towards an individual or that is mean spirited. A team will be given one warning then the game will be a forfeit. Batter, batter, batter swing is not a taunt.

  15. No noise makers, air horns, cow bell, jugs filled with rock, etc… they are just kids.

  16. 2 Timeouts will be allowed per team (injuries do not count).

  17. Any player with a head injury must have signed permission of a parent or guardian before returning to a game or practice.

  18. Courtesy runners for the pitcher &/or catcher are allowed in 12U & 14U. Courtesy runners must be reported to the umpire and opposing team. An out will be assessed if the courtesy runner’s position in the batting order comes up while she is running.

  19.  If a batter throws a bat while swinging, that batter is automatically an out.

TRASH – this is the responsibility of each player and team from their dugout to the halfway point around the field on the inside & outside of the fence. Each team must clean the dugout that they occupied. Please mention to parents that trash cans are readily available. Let’s try to make the bleachers clean also.

Protest Procedure:
  1. Any coach who wishes to protest a call must follow the procedures as outlined in the official ASA rulebook. Judgment calls made by an umpire cannot be protested.

  2. The protest will be presented to the Commissioner.

  3. A protest fee will be assessed as follows:  $50 fee with $25 being refunded if the protest is upheld. There will be no refund if the commissioner does not overrule the call.

Specific Playing Rules 6U:
  1.  ASA Rules will be followed, except as noted below.

  2. An 11 inch softball (it’s an actual “soft” ball, to prevent injury) will be used for play.

  3. The coach will toss 3 pitches from 15’. If the batter hits a fair ball, play it live. If the batter does not hit a fair ball, the ball will be placed on a T until hit fair. No bunting.

  4. Bases will be 50 feet.

  5. No stealing bases, runners may only advance on a hit ball.

  6. No infield fly rule.

  7. Defensively, all players will be on the field. IF will have a pitcher, first base, second base, short stop, third base, no catcher, all others play in the OF. Defensive players must maintain correct position until the ball is hit and OF must remain behind baseline.

  8. If 3 outs are recorded by the defensive team or the batting team scores 5 runs, they will switch. The score goes back to “0” for each team after each inning.

  9. Time limit is drop dead at the 50 minute mark for each game.

  10. There is no final score, no win or lose, it’s about learning and having fun for the girls.

Specific Playing Rules 8U:
  1. ASA Rules will be followed, except as noted below.

  2. Pitching distance is 35 feet, using an 11 inch ball.

  3. Bases will be 60 feet.

  4. The batting teams coach will throw 5 pitches or the batter will get 3 swings, which ever occurs first.  If the batter does not hit the ball she is out, no walks. A batter cannot be called out on a foul ball, except on a bunt attempt on the last pitch. A batter may not advance to 1st on a dropped ball by the catcher.

  5. No infield fly rule.

  6. No stealing bases or lead offs, runners must stay on the base until the ball crosses home plate or is hit. Runners may only advance on a batted ball.

  7. *On an “overthrow” to 1B, the batter/runner may only advance 1 extra base. If there is a runner on 1B they will stop at 3B, a runner from 2B may score. However, if the defense attempts to make a play on any runner after the over throw then all runners may advance at their own risk.

  8. 5 run limit per team, per inning.

  9. 10 defensive players on the field, 4 outfielders must be on outfield grass when ball crosses home plate.

  10. Play is dead when pitcher has possession of the ball in the pitchers circle. If runners are moving they are subject to the midway point rule, if past the midpoint continue to the next base, if not to the midway point then return to the previous base.

  11. After a coach throws the ball, he/she must do everything possible to avoid being in the defense’s way while attempting to field or throw the ball. If a ball is hit, go to the opposite side of the infield and continue off into foul territory (between either Home & 1st or Home & 3rd.) If a coach does intentionally interfere, a dead ball is call and the batter is out and the base runners return to where they were before the pitch was thrown. If a coach is hit by a batted ball, unintentionally, dead ball, batter to 1B.

Specific Playing Rules 10 U:
  1. ASA rules will be followed, except where noted.

  2. 10 U will pitch from 35 feet and use an 11’ball.

  3. Bases will be 60’

  4. Kid pitch only.

  5. *Stealing bases is allowed. A runner may only advance one base per pitch while stealing (no going from 1st to 3rd on a steal). Stealing home is allowed.

  6. 5 run limit per team, per inning.

  7. No infield fly rule.

  8. A batter is awarded 1st base if hit by a pitch, as per rule changes in ASA, the batter does “not” have to make an attempt to get out of the way.

  9. Rule clarification:  10U will be played with 4 outfields and bat everyone in the line up. Bases are completely open. The extra base rules are what causes fights and arguments between coaches, fans, and umps. We are keeping it simple, bases are open like big girl softball. That's why we have the 5 runs per inning limit. It keeps the game from getting out of hand. One average you're not gonna play more than 3 innings in 10U anyway. Worst it can be is 15-0.

Specific Playing Rules 12U & 14U:
  1. ASA rules will be followed, 12’ ball.     

  2. 6 run limit per inning, per team. 

  3. 60’ bases, 43’ pitching distance in 12U & 14U.

  4. 14U may wear metal cleats

 Membership of Teams
  1. The league will be made up of teams from the city of Durant and the surrounding areas.

  2. Teams wishing to join the league should have a representative present at the season’s organizational meeting; it will be announced and published in the local newspaper.

  3. All teams will be required to pay $45 per player to participate in the league. The fees are due on the date of the draft. Payments should be made to “Durant Girls Softball” or “DGS” and given to the commissioner.

  4. Any team who is a member of the league will agree to furnish any and all information requested to the commissioner.

  5. All teams will provide the commissioner with a complete roster, including the player’s name, birth date and phone number, as well as coaches’ names and phone numbers.  The team roster is to be turned in prior to the first game. The coaches conduct agreement is also due at this time. A “Coaches Conduct Agreement” must be signed or the team will not be allowed to participate in any league activities.

  6. The commissioner has the authority to check any player’s eligibility, if the player’s eligibility is questioned at any time. If the player is declared ineligible, that team must forfeit all games in which the player participated. No refunds period.

  7. Maximum number of players allowed on a team will be 15. Teams outside of Durant may carry more if there are not enough players to make two teams.

  8. Only 4 Coaches/Scorekeepers are allowed on the field and in the dugout during games (excluding 6U).

  9. The league will not provide trophies to the team with the best record at season’s end.

  10. *Coaches that have a team in the league and most of their players are moving up can bring the players that are eligible to move up and keep the existing team together.  However, the coach cannot pick and choose which players they keep, the entire group of eligible players stays together…..this means any girl who is eligible and wants to stay on the team will do so.  The coach also has the option of drafting a new team.

  11. No player swapping! The league tourney will determine teams for OK Kids, if there is no league tourney, we'll use season records and head to head.

Durant Softball Rules

© 2017 by Durant Softball. Proudly created with

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